Member-only story
Writing a 250 Word Story Every Day
This has been exhausting and enlightening
I’ve been writing a 250 word story every single day for the last ninety days. To make this easier on myself, I’ve been using the NYC Midnight’s 250 Word Challenge prompts. I pick one at random and write a story as if I was submitting to the challenge.
At least, that’s what I did in the beginning when I thought writing in any genre would be easy.
Oh my goodness was I wrong.
Some genres are just hard. Ridiculously difficult. Like, why did I agree to do this to myself, hard. It’s good practice so I’ve honoured my promise and will still write a story in the genre, but I’ve also given myself permission to let that story suck.
Romance, comedy, and romantic comedy are the three I dread. Every time I pull a number associated with these I groan inside. These genres take longer for me to write because my brain feels like a blank slate, even with the prompt. Comedy is okay to write if I’m in a good mood or have had a bucket of caffeine, but otherwise it’s hard to be funny on command. Same with romance. I’m not a romantic person and while I can write some pretty romantic fan fiction, a micro story is hard. Fan fiction might be easier because the characters and world are already developed. I can infer backstory without explaining it because of this. But…